38 vintage r&b record labels
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SkweeeSkweee - Wikipedia The major outlets of skweee music are the Swedish record label Flogsta Danshall and Finnish record label Harmönia. Norwegian Dødpop, [7] Canadian Ancient Robot , [8] US Losonofono, [9] US Titched, [10] US Poisonous Gases, [11] Spanish Lo Fi Funk, [12] Finnish Mässy, [13] and French Mazout [14] have since been added to this family. › record-info › most-valuableMost Valuable Vinyl Records – The Top 10 Rarest Albums A few other items on the list are ultra-rare pre-World War II blues 78s and ultra-rare 45 RPM singles that were released on tiny regional record labels and were quickly forgotten. That being the case, we put this article together to list some of the world’s most valuable vinyl records, but with a bit of a twist.
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Vintage r&b record labels
› 78s_we_buyHistoric Music Library : 78s We Buy - 78 RPM Records : 1895 ... 1950-60 JAZZ, BLUES and R&B 33 1/3 Record Albums EARLY COUNTRY MUSIC, GOSPEL, CAJUN and some DANCE BANDS, POPULAR SINGERS, HISTORICAL and SPOKEN WORD 78 RPM RECORDS. Other important information you might find on the record labels is STOMP, STRING BAND, JUG BAND, RAG, COON SONG, GUITAR ACC, FOX-TROT, FOR DANCING, CAKE WALK, PIANO SOLO, HOT ... londonjazzcollector.wordpress.com › record-labelsBlue Note Records: Complete Guide To The Blue Note Labels Mar 02, 2012 · The sale of Blue Note to the giant Liberty Records in mid-1966 marked the end of an era. The vital task of record pressing moved overnight from Plastylite NJ, who had pressed all Blue Notes to date, initially to Liberty’s newly acquired pressing plant All Disc Records, Roselle NJ, and later to other plants including Research Craft, LA on the West Coast, and elsewhere. singers.com › group › vintage-harmonySingers.com - List of Vintage Harmony Groups The newly named Du Droppers worked on some R & B material and soon auditioned for record producer Bobby Robinson and radio d.j. Joel Turnero owners of the Harlem based Red Robin label. The first record released by the group in December of 1952 was that special niche of the early years of Rhythm & Blues, the "answer" record.
Vintage r&b record labels. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › MotownMotown - Wikipedia Motown Records is an American record label owned by the Universal Music Group.It was founded by Berry Gordy Jr. as Tamla Records on June 7, 1958, and incorporated as Motown Record Corporation on April 14, 1960. singers.com › group › vintage-harmonySingers.com - List of Vintage Harmony Groups The newly named Du Droppers worked on some R & B material and soon auditioned for record producer Bobby Robinson and radio d.j. Joel Turnero owners of the Harlem based Red Robin label. The first record released by the group in December of 1952 was that special niche of the early years of Rhythm & Blues, the "answer" record. londonjazzcollector.wordpress.com › record-labelsBlue Note Records: Complete Guide To The Blue Note Labels Mar 02, 2012 · The sale of Blue Note to the giant Liberty Records in mid-1966 marked the end of an era. The vital task of record pressing moved overnight from Plastylite NJ, who had pressed all Blue Notes to date, initially to Liberty’s newly acquired pressing plant All Disc Records, Roselle NJ, and later to other plants including Research Craft, LA on the West Coast, and elsewhere. › 78s_we_buyHistoric Music Library : 78s We Buy - 78 RPM Records : 1895 ... 1950-60 JAZZ, BLUES and R&B 33 1/3 Record Albums EARLY COUNTRY MUSIC, GOSPEL, CAJUN and some DANCE BANDS, POPULAR SINGERS, HISTORICAL and SPOKEN WORD 78 RPM RECORDS. Other important information you might find on the record labels is STOMP, STRING BAND, JUG BAND, RAG, COON SONG, GUITAR ACC, FOX-TROT, FOR DANCING, CAKE WALK, PIANO SOLO, HOT ...

popsike.com - RIP-CHORDS I Love You the Most / Razzle Dazzle Abco Rare Doo Wop 45 HEAR - auction ...
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